By-Laws (Approved 4Feb23)
Chapter Bylaws
Article I - Name
Section 1. The Chapter existing under these Bylaws is to be known as American Legion Riders of Post 533(ALR).
Section 2. The name and nature of this Chapter are as set forth in the Constitution.
Article II - Management
Section 1. The officers of the Chapter shall be Director, Assistant Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Road Captain, Historian, Chaplain and Membership Officer.
Section 2. Between Chapter meetings, the administrative power of the Chapter shall be vested in the Chapter Executive Committee, which shall consist of all elected officers for the current year.
Section 3. Officer Nominations will be presented to the membership during the April meeting through to the date of voting. All nominees should have one year of active membership with the ALR. During the May meeting, all nominations will be presented to the membership individually. Proxy voting may be done as long as the Director is notified by the member who will give their proxy vote prior to the vote. As each office is announced for vote, the nominees will leave the room and the Director will ask for an all in favor vote of each nominee by secret ballot. Once the voting is completed, the nominees will return for the remaining portion of the election. At the end of all voting, the Director will present the names of the incoming officers to the membership. The incoming officers will take office at the meeting next following that of election.
Section 4. All vacancies existing in any office of the Chapter from any cause, other than the expiration of the term, shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members and a person so appointed shall hold office for the unexpired term of the officer whom they succeeded.
Section 5. A vacancy shall exist when an officer is absent from the Chapter due to expulsion, resignation, loss of qualifications, incapacity from injury or illness or for a continuous period of unexcused absences that spans 3 meetings. Director may excuse absences.
Section 6. All Past Directors that were founding members of ALR 533 shall be members of the Executive committee without voting privilege.
Article III - Meetings
Section 1. The regular meeting of the Chapter shall be held at 12pm on the first Saturday of every month at which may be transacted such business as may properly be brought up for action, such meetings may be converted into entertainment meetings, as may be deemed agreeable by the officers of the Chapter. Meetings may be postponed by Director.
Section 2. The Chapter Director, or a majority of the Executive Committee, shall have power to call a special meeting of the Chapter at any time but must have 12 hour notification to all members.
Section 3. Upon the written request of 3 members, the Executive Committee shall call a special meeting of the Chapter.
Section 4. Five officers shall constitute a quorum for the Executive Committee.
Article IV - Chapter Executive Committee
Section 1. The Chapter Executive Committee shall meet for organizational or such other business as may come before it at the call of the Chapter Director within 10 days after the installation of the new officers. Thereafter, the Chapter Executive Committee shall meet as often as Chapter Director may deem necessary. The Chapter Director shall call a meeting of the Chapter Executive Committee upon the joint written request of three or more members of said Chapter Executive Committee. Five officers of the committee shall constitute a quorum thereof.
Section 2. The Chapter Executive Committee shall hire such employees as may be necessary; shall authorize and approve all expenditures not to exceed $250 per month; shall provide or require adequate bonds from all persons having custody of Chapter funds; shall hear the reports of Chapter committee chairs; and, generally, shall have charge of and be responsible for the management of the affairs of this Chapter.
Article V - Suspension and Expulsion
Section 1. With a written charge presented to the Chapter Secretary and presented to the Executive Committee. Any member may be expelled or suspended from the chapter by a majority vote of the general membership at a regular Chapter meeting.
Section 2. All recommendations for suspension or expulsion must be given to a member of the Executive Committee in writing. Within two (2) days of receiving the recommendation, the receiving member of the Executive Committee will notify the entire Executive Committee and the member being recommended for suspension or expulsion. Within one (1) week of the receipt of the recommendation, an Executive Committee meeting will be scheduled. During the meeting, the member will have the opportunity to plead their case. At that time, the Executive Committee will decide whether a suspension or expulsion is in order. Once decided, the decision will be presented in the next Chapter meeting and put up for a vote by the members.
Section 3. Members who are suspended will not be allowed to wear their association emblems. They are able to attend meetings but will not be allowed to vote.
Section 4. Members who are expelled must turn in all Chapter related emblems and property. They are prohibited from attending Chapter meetings and rides.
Article VI - Duties of Officers
Section 1. Duties of Director. It shall be the duty of the Chapter Director to preside at all meetings of the Chapter and to have general supervision over the business and affairs of the chapter. Such officer shall be the chief executive officer of the Chapter. The Director shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds, shall make an annual report covering the business of the Chapter for the year and recommendations for the ensuing year, which shall be read at the annual meeting and a copy thereof immediately forwarded to the Department adjutant. The Director shall perform such other duties as directed by the Chapter.
Section 2. Duties of Assistant Director. The Assistant Director shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of Director in the absence or disability of or when called upon by the Chapter Director.
Section 3. Duties of Chapter Secretary. The Secretary shall have charge of and keep a full, and correct, record of all proceedings of all meetings, keep such records as the Post and Department organizations may require, render reports of membership annually or when called upon at a meeting. Under direction of the Director will handle all correspondence of the Chapter. The Secretary shall be a co-signer on all checks for the Chapter.
Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of all finances, including the collection of membership dues, and see that they are safely deposited in some local bank, or banks, and shall report once a month during the Chapter meeting the condition of the finances of the Chapter, with such recommendations as may deem expedient or necessary for raising funds with which to carry on the activities of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall be a co-signer for all checks disbursing the monies of the chapter, shall be provided such surety bonds in such amounts as shall be fixed by the Chapter Executive Committee and obtained by the Chapter. All checks shall require two (2) signatures.
Section 5. Duties of Chapter Historian. The Chapter Historian shall be charged with the individual records and incidents of the Chapter and Chapter members. They shall perform such other duties as may properly pertain to the office as may be determined by the Chapter or the Executive Committee.
Section 6. Duties of Chapter Chaplain. The Chapter Chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the Chapter comrades and will offer divine, but non-sectarian, service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., and adhere to such ceremonial rituals.
Section 7. Duties of Sergeant-at-Arms. He/She will preserve order at meetings and gatherings of the ALR. Will perform all duties assigned by the ALR Director & assist the ALR Road Captain.
Section 8. Duties of Road Captain. Will be the logistics person in charge of organized runs of the Chapter. The Road Captain will determine dates, times, routes, and meeting places for those taking part in a run activity. The Road Captain, at any time, may appoint assistant road captains or take any other measures necessary to help insure the safety of the group during a run.
Section 9. Membership Chairman. Relieves Secretary of responsibility for maintenance of membership records as may be required by the General Membership. Collects membership dues as determined by the Chapter by-laws and provides same to Treasurer on a regular basis. Reviews and/or collects eligibility documentation as required by the general members, sponsoring Post Executive Board, Department or State/Local laws. Provides detailed membership reports at regular meetings of the chapter. Perform background checks of nominated new members.
Article VII - Patch Placement
Section 1. All members, in good standing, are recommended to wear a vest or jacket with the American Legion Riders emblems while participating in meetings, events and group rides.
Section 2. Members, in good standing, shall be authorized to wear the American Legion Riders small and large patches on a vest or jacket. When wearing both patches, the small patch shall be worn on the right or left breast and the large patch shall be worn on the back.
- A top rocker patch shall be worn above the large Riders patch, indicating “Riders Post 533”, with a separation of ¾ of an inch to one (1) inch.
- A bottom rocker patch will be worn beneath the large Riders patch, indicating “10th District”, with a separation of ¾ of an inch to one (1) inch.
- Name patches will be worn on the right or left breast.
- If an office is held by the member, the office patch may be worn above the name patch on the right or left breast.
- Other patches and pins may be worn on the front of the vest or jacket. It is preferable to have the large patch and rockers on the back in prominence. Obscene patches are strictly prohibited.
- The rest of the front of the vest is for other patches and pins of your liking. Make sure your vest represents the American Legion and American Legion Riders respectfully.
Article VIII - Delegates
Section 1. Delegates and alternates to Departement American Legion Riders meetings, convention, regional gathering or other activity shall be elected by ballot by the Chapter at a regular meeting of the Chapter to be held prior to the date of such event. Chapter shall reimburse the amount agreed upon by the Executive Committee.
Article IX - Appointments
Section 1. The Chapter Director, immediately upon taking office each year, may appoint standing committees or commissions for the furtherance of Chapter programs.
Section 2. Such standing committees shall consist of such persons, and the chair thereof, as designated by the Chapter Director.
Article X - Resolutions
Section 1. All resolutions of state or national scope presented to this Chapter by a member or reported to this Chapter by a committee shall merely embody the opinion of this Chapter on the subject and copy of same shall be forwarded to the Post/Department headquarters for its approval before any publicity is given or action other than mere passage by the Chapter is taken.
Article XI - Notices
Section 1. Every member shall furnish the Chapter Secretary with a valid email or postal mailing address.
Section 2. The Chapter Secretary shall cause notice of the annual election to be given at least two (2) weeks prior thereof.
Article XII - Rules of Order
Section 1. All proceedings of this Chapter shall be conducted under and pursuant to Roberts’ Rules of Order (Newly Revised), except as herein otherwise provided.
Article XIII - Limitations of Liabilities
Section 1. This Chapter shall incur, or cause to be incurred, no liability nor obligation whatever which shall subject to liability any other Chapter, subdivision, members of The American Legion, or other individuals, corporations or organizations.
Article XIV - Amendments
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular Chapter meeting by a vote of two-thirds (⅔) of the membership of said Chapter attending such regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing and read at the 1st reading and voted on at next meeting no sooner than 7 days.
Section 2. Written notice to the addresses of record indicated in article XI, Section 1, shall have been given to all members at least 7 days in advance of the date when such amendment is to be voted upon, notifying said members that at such meeting there will be presented a proposal to amend the By-Laws.
American Legion Riders Post 533
Constitution and By-Laws Acknowledgement Page
Date of First Reading: 07 January, 2023
Date approved for acceptance: ______________________________
Members Printed Name:_________________________________________________
Member Signature: ______________________________________________________
Constitution (Approved 4Feb23)
ALR Post 533 Constitution
Chapter Constitution
For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States Of America; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in all the Wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on Earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.
The American Legion Riders is formed to promote the aims and purposes of The American Legion as a family oriented motorcycling activity for members of the American Legion (Legion), The American Legion Auxiliary (Auxiliary) and the Sons of the American Legion (Sons.)
Article 1 - Name
The name of this program shall be THE AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS of Post 533.
Article II - Nature
Section 1. The American Legion Riders (ALR) is a program for the members of the Legion, Auxiliary and Sons, collectively “The Legion Family”, who share an interest in motorcycling.
Section 2. The ALR upholds the declared principles of the Legion as well as conform to and abide by the regulations and decisions of the Department, Post or other duly constituted governing body.
Section 3. The ALR maintains and protects the image of the Legion at all times through appropriate wearing of the Legion Emblem. The emblem of the Legion demands “That the wearer shall ever guard the sanctity of Home, Country and Free institutions.”
Section 4. Members of the ALR avoid any perception of being a motorcycle or “biker” club or gang. Rather, the focus of membership is for the enjoyment of motorcycles, comradeship and furthering Legion programs in the community.
Section 5. The ALR will improve the public's perception of the motorcycling community by promoting the honorable nature of service to one's Community, State and Nation through the hobby of motorcycling.
Section 6. Members of the ALR comply at all times with the Motor Vehicle Safety, licensing and insurance laws or regulations of the State in which they operate.
Article III - Organization
The ALR is organized at either the Department or the Post. Each chapter exists at the discretion of the sponsoring Department/Post. The chapter officers and executive committee are responsible and accountable to the sponsoring Department/Post Executive Committee.
Article IV - Membership Eligibility and Dues
Section 1. Eligibility for basic membership in the ALR shall be as prescribed by the National Constitutions of the Legion, Auxiliary and Sons.
Section 2. All members of the ALR must further demonstrate current individual membership in the Legion, Auxiliary or Sons.
Section 3. Members will not, at any time, hold membership in an MC or RC.
Section 4. In addition to sections 1 and 2 above, members must be the legally registered owner of a motorcycle of 300cc (65 mph if electric) or be the spouse of the legally registered owner within the state of registration.
Section 5. All operators must be properly licensed and insured per state laws.
Section 6. All members will obey the motor vehicle laws in any state in which they are operating a motorcycle or riding as a passenger.
Section 7. All new applicants should be sponsored by an ALR member or recommended to an ALR member for membership. ALR has 7 days to get Bylaws of Constitution & Application to the applicant.
Section 8. All applications for membership shall be acted upon at the next meeting and after the applicant has completed one (1) ALR organized event/rider, attended two (2) general meetings of the chapter membership and reviewed the Chapter Constitution and Bylaws. The Director or his/her designee shall present such application to the membership at the next regular meeting with the recommendation for acceptance or rejection. If 51% or more of the membership attending the meeting cast their vote for acceptance of such applicant, then such applicant shall be recorded as accepted. If not, then such applicant shall be recorded as rejected. If the applicant is accepted, upon notification, the dues of $15 is then payable to the chapter Treasurer.
Section 9. Once the new members have been accepted they will present a signed copy of the acknowledgement page of the Chapter Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 10. ALR Chapter 533, at their own discretion, may allow Supporters, Honorary Members or Civilian Consultant with no voting on patch privileges.
- The ALR Supporter classification does not constitute Full Membership in the ALR. It is intended as a means to provide recognition to those who show strong support to the ALR Chapter.
- The Honorary Member classification does not constitute Full Membership in the ALR. It is intended as a means to provide recognition to past ALR members who cannot ride a motorcycle due to physical or other limitations.
Supporters or Honorary Members must be a member in good standing of the Legion, Auxiliary or Sons.
Supporters or Honorary Members do not pay dues but can attend meetings.
They may not hold an elected office or vote.
Supporters or Honorary Members shall only display issued ALR emblems or insignia that shall include the words “Honorary or Supporter” as appropriate to each such member’s status. Supporter or Honorary Member status shall not be granted with the promise or expectation of any material, financial or political benefit to the Chapter, any Officer or member.
Section 1. The annual dues for the Bastrop Chapter #533 will be $15 and can be renewed every November 1st for the following year. If the dues are not paid up for the year by January 1st, the member will be considered delinquent and all privileges of membership shall be recommended for suspension and voted on by Membership until dues are paid. The amount for Dues can be changed by a 51% vote of the general membership.
Article VI - Wear of American Legion Emblem
Section 1. The ALR back patch, as copyrighted and sold by The American Legion’s Emblem Sales division, is authorized for wear by all current members of the ALR.
Section 2. No other back patch or back patch design is authorized for wear.
Section 3. Department standards for patch sales should be on file with Emblem Sales.
Section 4. If Departement or Post identifying information is to be embroidered on the patch, Emblem Sales must have on record authorization from the Department Adjutant that such specific identifying information may be used on the patch.
Section 5. Use of rockers or patches physically attached to the ALR back patch are not recommended due to trademark laws.
Article VII - Determine Elected Officers
Section 1. The officers of the Chapter are Director, Assistant Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Road Captain, Historian, Chaplain and Membership Officer annually.
Section 2. Chapter meetings, the administrative power of the Chapter shall be vested in the Chapter Executive Committee, whose voting members shall consist of all elected officers for the current year.
Article VIII - Finance
Section 1. The revenue of the Chapter shall be derived from such membership fees or dues and from such other sources as may be approved by the Chapter membership.
Section 2. The amount of such membership or initiation fees and the amount of such annual Chapter dues shall be fixed and determined by the Chapter.
Article IX - Amendments
Section 1. This Constitution is adopted, subject to the provision of the National Constitution, Department Constitution and Post Constitution of which this Chapter is a subordinate program. Any amendment to the National, Department or Post Constitution that is in conflict with any provision hereof shall be regarded as automatically repealing or modifying the provisions of the constitution and bylaws of this Chapter to the extent of such conflict.
Section 2. This Constitution may be amended at any regular Chapter meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the membership attending such regular meeting provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing (or email) and read at the immediately preceding Chapter meeting. Further, that traditional mail and electronic mail (E-Mail) notice shall have been sent to all members’ addresses of record at least 7 days in advance of the date which such amendment is to be read or voted on, notifying said members that at such meeting there will be a proposal to amend the Constitution.